The Secret Gardens of Venice
Generally, Venice is imagined as a city of water and bridges, built on the sea.Which is completely true.
However, there are more gardens in Venice than in the many of the big European capitals.
Admittedly, you will not find as many big parks, although there are a few within the dimensions of the city. But it is also necessary to know that the majority of the palaces as well as modest houses often have a small private garden and hidden well.
So in Venice, the shouting of sea gulls mingles easily with the singing of the backyard birds of our continental gardens.
And this greenery which grows and adorns the majority of the quarters and houses of Venice adds yet another charm of this city built on trunks of trees planted in water.
In our routes, we will take you past the most beautiful gardens of the city but also by the most secret, the most delightful… and the most gorgeous!
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