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Water Taxi Marco Polo Airport Venice Italy

Water Taxis Piers at Venice Airport Marco Polo
Water Taxis Piers at Venice Airport
The fastest way to arrive in Venice from Marco Polo Airport is that Water-Taxi also named Motoscafo.

The water taxi will stop you directly at your hotel or flat if they are near the canal.

The journey last about 20 to 25 minutes from the airport.

Best Deals Water Taxi

Average price from the airport for a Private Water Taxi is between €180 and €200 depending of potential extra charges (number of passengers, luggages, etc... ).
The offers below are “Water Taxi sharing”, you will be with other passengers but for a very reduced price. Water Taxi Sharing offers can only be booked online.

For 2 Alilaguna public transport tickets, treat yourself to a Water Taxi!

The sharing water taxi (6 people max) costs €35 while the Alilaguna ticket costs €16 to €19 (with 50 or 60 people on board). The water taxi will drop you off in Venice directly at your hotel or near your apartment without crossing the bridges with your bags and will also be much faster than the Alilaguna, which stops at all the piers of the line.

Water Taxi Airport Hotel in Venice

Smartphone Tickets Accepted
Venice Airport Hotel Venice €37  ➤ 
Venice Airport Hotel Venice €39  ➤ 
Hotel Venice Venice Airport €39  ➤ 

Best Price - Return Ticket:
Water Taxi Hotel in Venice Airport Venice

Smartphone Tickets Accepted
Venice Airport Hotel Venice €66  ➤ 

Water Taxi Santa Lucia Station Hotel in Venice

Smartphone Tickets Accepted
S.Lucia StationHotel Venice €39  ➤ 
Hotel VeniceS.Lucia Station €39  ➤ 
S.Lucia StationHotel Venice €25  ➤ 

St Lucia or Piazzale Roma Lido

Smartphone Tickets Accepted
S.Lucia or P.Roma Lido €32  ➤ 

Private Water Taxi Airport Cruise Port Venice

Smartphone Tickets Accepted
Airport Venice (max 6 Guests) €180  ➤ 
Airport Venice (max 6 Guests) €220  ➤ 
Lucia Station Venice (max 6G) €100  ➤ 
Cruise Port Venice (max 6 G.) €320  ➤ 

Luxury Private Water Taxi Airport Hotel in Venice

Smartphone Tickets Accepted
Airport Venice (max 6 G.) €260 to 315  ➤ 

Map to Water-Taxis at Venice Airport

To help you find easily the Water-Taxi pier at Venice Marco Polo Airport, we have created a page with pictures taken along the path:
Map to Water-Taxis at Venice Airport

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