What's On Celebrations | Exhibitions | Biennale | Mostra Cinema
Celebrations Historical Regatta | Redentore | Salute | Vogalonga | Marathon | Marys | St Martin

Celebrations, Feasts and Holidays in Venice Italy

Here are the upcoming celebrations, holidays, feasts and events which will take place in Venice.

Venice Biennale of Art 2024: 20 April - 24 November 2024
Redentore Fireworks Celebration: 20 July 2024
Historical Venice Regatta Storica 2024: 1st September 2024
38th Venice Marathon: 27 October 2024
Saint Martin: 11 November 2024
Salute Celebration: 21 November 2024
Befane Regatta: 6 January 2025 at 11:00 at Rialto Bridge
Venice Carnival 2025: 22 February to 4 March 2025  Programme 
Architecture Venice Biennale 2025: 10 May to 23 November 2025.
Sensa Celebration 2025: 1st June 2025
Venice Vogalonga 2025 8 June 2025.

Calendar of Holidays in Venice and Italy in 2024 and 2025

6 January: Befana
21 April: Easter Monday
25 April: Saint Mark's Day + Liberation of Italy
May 1st: Labor Day
2 June: Italian Republic Day
15 August: Assumption of the Virgin - Ferragosto
1st November: All Saints Day
December 8: Immaculate Conception
25 December: Christmas
26 December: Santo Stefano

Shopping Closing days in Venice in Italy

Food shops are often closed on Wednesdays, especially on Wednesday afternoons.

Celebrations Historical Regatta | Redentore | Salute | Vogalonga | Marathon | Marys | St Martin
What's On Celebrations | Exhibitions | Biennale | Mostra Cinema

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