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Scuola Grande San Rocco Venice - Tintoretto “The Massacre of the Innocents” and “The Circumcision”

Tintoretto “The Massacre of the Innocents”

Oil on Canvas (422 x 546 cm) 1582-1587
Tintoretto, The Massacre of the Innocents, Scuola Grande San Rocco in Venice
The Massacre of the Innocents
Seeing that the magi had been careful not to let him know where Jesus was, Herod sent to kill all the children aged two and under living in his kingdom, to make sure he didn't miss the King of the Jews.

The massacre of the innocent is shown here in all its scale and horror by this tangle of bodies writhing and struggling in every direction.

All these women, who protect their babies by holding them in their arms and fighting with all their might against the ferocity of the executioners who hunt them down from everywhere, will unfortunately not be able to save them from their disastrous fate.

Tintoretto, The Massacre of the Innocents, Scuola Grande San Rocco in Venice
The Massacre of the Innocents
Like these unfortunate women, the eye vainly hopes to find a place escaping this deadly fury, alas, it is trapped!

By this violence unleashed in the square, where its many victims accumulate, on the rampart, under the portico, and right up to the city gates, where the stalking continues in the form of highly animated silhouettes.

No child can escape such a scourge.

Here again, the exaggerated perspective enlarges the scene and gives it the dimension of an epic battle against the Evil that kills the innocent.

Tintoretto “The Circumcision”

Oil on Canvas (440 x 442 cm) 1587
Tintoretto, The Circumcision, Scuola Grande San Rocco in Venice
The Circumcision
Like all Jewish children, Jesus was circumcised eight days after his birth: circumcision has been the sign of the covenant with God since the time of Abraham, (Genesis, II, 17).

The Circumcision, delivered in 1587 by Tintoretto, is his last work for the Ground Floor Room.

Critics agree that Domenico, Tintoretto's son, and the painters working in his studio would have participated in its creation.

This would have caused it to lose the liveliness of line and the brilliance of colour that characterise the master's work.

However, the solemn character of this sacrament is well rendered by the attitudes of the characters, who are a little too set in their respective roles.

Tintoretto, The Circumcision, Scuola Grande San Rocco in Venice
The Circumcision
The richness of the clothes of the old priest surrounded by his respectful assistants and the dignity of the many witnesses give the impression of attending a royal baptism.

Of course, we have not described all the works present at the Scuola di San Rocco, which is not simply a museum, since this Confraternity is still active.

The Brothers of the Scuola di San Rocco

To the right of the entrance to the ground floor hall, you will see the Sala del Guardian da Matin, home to the precious Mariegola with its beautiful red cover adorned with a gilded engraving depicting two Friars praying on their knees at the feet of San Rocco.

Tintoretto, The Circumcision, Scuola Grande San Rocco in Venice
The Circumcision
The Mariegola is the Charter of the Scuola, which contains the rules to be obeyed by all members of the Brotherhood, which also includes women.

The Confraternity has Brothers of Devotion and Discipline and Capitular Brothers.

The fifteen members of the Chancellery are selected from among the Capitular Brothers.

The Chancery meets in the small room to the right of the Chapter House choir, under the chairmanship of the Guardian Grande, assisted by the Guardian da Matin.

The Brothers occupying the first six positions in the Chancellery head the Banca, which meets in the Sala dell'Albergo.

History Art Scuola | Rivalries | Crucifixion | Pilate Ecce Homo Calvary | Official Painter | Snake | Moses Manna | Sin Isaac Jacob | Adoration Temptation Breads | Probatic Pool Last Supper | Olive Garden Resurrection | Pianta | Annunciation Adoration Flight | Innocents Circumcision
San Rocco History Art | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Museums Doge's Palace | Guggenheim | Correr | Pesaro | Rezzonico | Murano | Accademia | Oriental | Ca d'Oro | Archeological | Querini | Bovolo | Pisani | Fortuny | Rocco | Lace | Marciana | Grassi | Dogana

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